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2022-09-26 22:31:36

After all, Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or acid reflux is not a disease if one were to actually give it a complete thought and a closer analysis. And let's face it. Your doctor may have missed out on this or you know better by now that he's just following a script laid out for him by his teachers in medicine or the pharmaceutical company - both of which have not been that much help when it comes to this so-called "disease".

That's because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms and too easy for their doctor to say: "You are fine; there is nothing to worry about". Constipation is one of the most commonly missed complaints, and so is farting. Don't be embarrassed here, we all fart, some men (and plenty of smallish children) enjoy boasting about it but women do it too and are generally totally embarrassed.

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